Analogue Bubblebath 3 Insert, (Places of interest in Cornwall)

Many thanks to Heartless##6dimensions for bringing this Aphex related artefact to my attention For further edification John Doran’s excellent Visual essay Selected Ambient Walks: Aphex Twin, Mythology & Landscape is a much more exhaustive and detailed look at the subject matters touched upon in this article. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE [Tracks 4/5 located at lock-groove] forContinue reading “Analogue Bubblebath 3 Insert, (Places of interest in Cornwall)”

Unselected Ambient Works (85-92) Part 2 *updated with new images*

Hello and welcome to the second part of my article detailing the outtakes from the Aphex Twin album Selected Ambient Works (85-92). The reasoning behind the exclusion of the tracks mentioned in this two part article are probably manifold. Technical considerations of the limitations presented by physical media of the time period, i.e. you canContinue reading “Unselected Ambient Works (85-92) Part 2 *updated with new images*”

Unselected Ambient Works (85-92) Part 1 *updated with more photos*

In this article I will attempt to detail the currently known tracks created in the same time period as Selected Ambient Works (85-92), that were ultimately not selected for the album. Most of the following tracks were uploaded to Richard’s user18081971 SoundCloud account in 2015. There are a few alternative versions of album tracks thatContinue reading “Unselected Ambient Works (85-92) Part 1 *updated with more photos*”

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