Contemporary Reviews: Drukqs (under construction)

Vibe, (December 2006) APHEX TWINDRUKQSWarp Though his palette of choice includes synthesisers and computer software, long-time electronic producer Aphex Twin, aka Richard D. James, isn’t your typical techno-futurist. On his latest album, a double CD with a funny name, the reclusive Englishman generates soul music using seemingly soulless machines. On tracks like “Vordhosbn,” fragmented audioContinue reading “Contemporary Reviews: Drukqs (under construction)”

Aphex Twin, Wire Magazine (April 1995)

This is more of an article (very well written) about Lucid Dreaming and the influence on the unconscious mind on creating music. There is a brief interview with Richard in the second part of the article, Photos of Richard James: Dean Belcher. Digital Image Enhancement: Robin Hawes Aphex Twin & The Music Of Dreams. RobContinue reading “Aphex Twin, Wire Magazine (April 1995)”

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