Contemporary Reviews: …I Care Because You Do

Melody Maker (1995) TLC 30, TLC 60, TLC 90, GO! Fancy some neon-lit, soft-focus forms floating through that space between your ears? Or maybe you need a bit of dustbin-lid percussion to shock those sleep synapses? DAVE SIMPSON wakes up, rubs his eyes and discovers both, handily on the same album THE APHEX TWINI CAREContinue reading “Contemporary Reviews: …I Care Because You Do”

Aphex Twin, Opscene Magazine (December 1996)

Interview by Erik Quintphoto © Jan Willem Steenmeijer The Aphex Twin: “My tapes are my diaries.” Strange but true. Musicians often say the nicest things when the tape recorder is turned off after 45 minutes of pure interview time. Richard D. James, aka The Aphex Twin says.. “This may have be my last interview.” HeContinue reading “Aphex Twin, Opscene Magazine (December 1996)”

Aphex Twin ‘Material World’ questionnaire, NME (17th April 1994)

Again many thanks to Drexciya Research Lab for sourcing this article and allowing me to reproduce it here. FIRST RECORD YOU OWNED? ‘Peter & The Wolf’ LAST RECORD YOU BOUGHT? ‘Belgian Rhythms 1935-40’ (includes circumcision rituals) IS IT TRUE YOU’RE AN INSOMNIAC? No. I don’t sleep out of choice WHAT CAN SEND YOU TO SLEEP? Not sleepingContinue reading “Aphex Twin ‘Material World’ questionnaire, NME (17th April 1994)”

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