30 Years of Analogue Bubblebath Volume 3

This article has been fairly difficult to assemble so apologies for any errors that you might find currently. Very special thanks to Ben Middleton for providing me with the photos from Cligga Head and to Mike Paradinas , Plunderphucked, RareAfx and freefall for help with this article. Cheers! February of this year (2023) marks 30Continue reading “30 Years of Analogue Bubblebath Volume 3”

Surfing On Sinewaves II (Part 3 of 3)

* article still under construction* Many thanks to rareafx blog (sample information) used in the creation of this article. This Article is a continuation of part two, found here. Chink 101 spectrum Plinky Plonk[orig] mooow [Dixons Theft mix] P.e Human Rotation PrncDMC RANDOM FX Kids Beach Renegade Sonar Thy’re Here Aahha Plinkyplonk Fork Rave offContinue reading “Surfing On Sinewaves II (Part 3 of 3)”

Unselected Ambient Works (85-92) Part 1 *updated with more photos*

In this article I will attempt to detail the currently known tracks created in the same time period as Selected Ambient Works (85-92), that were ultimately not selected for the album. Most of the following tracks were uploaded to Richard’s user18081971 SoundCloud account in 2015. There are a few alternative versions of album tracks thatContinue reading “Unselected Ambient Works (85-92) Part 1 *updated with more photos*”

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