Aphex Twin, Hypno Magazine (Vol 3, 1994)

Aphex Twin’s Mechanical Wonderland Thanks again to my brother Paul for scanning this interview for me, cheers Paul! Richard James has a lot in his mind. His is certainly a busy brain. Some might go so far as to call Richard a workaholic, but in definitive ambient techno circles, he’s known as Aphex Twin, PolygonContinue reading “Aphex Twin, Hypno Magazine (Vol 3, 1994)”

Aphex Twin, Request Magazine (July 1994)

Many Thanks to Edward in America who kindly scanned this magazine for the website, Cheers Edward!! HEAD MUSIC UNNERVING AND UNIQUE SOUNDS INHABIT APHEX TWIN’S AURAL UNIVERSE. BY DAVID J. PRINCEPHOTOGRAPH BY STEVE DOUBLE MOST PEOPLE USE MUSIC AS A SOFT PILLOW, a resting place for the mind. But current electronic dance music, from hardcoreContinue reading “Aphex Twin, Request Magazine (July 1994)”

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