Aphex Twin – Lodown Magazine (issue 29, 2001)

Many thanks to knallfurz for scanning and sending me this interview, cheers! A warm summer’s day in London and the Aphex Twin is relaxing in the city’s most famous open space, Hyde Park. He lies down on the grass, slips on the big silver headphones he takes everywhere and points his parabolic microphones, a deviceContinue reading “Aphex Twin – Lodown Magazine (issue 29, 2001)”

Aphex Twin, Wire Magazine (April 1995)

This is more of an article (very well written) about Lucid Dreaming and the influence on the unconscious mind on creating music. There is a brief interview with Richard in the second part of the article, Photos of Richard James: Dean Belcher. Digital Image Enhancement: Robin Hawes Aphex Twin & The Music Of Dreams. RobContinue reading “Aphex Twin, Wire Magazine (April 1995)”

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