Aphex Twin, Request Magazine (July 1994)

Many Thanks to Edward in America who kindly scanned this magazine for the website, Cheers Edward!! HEAD MUSIC UNNERVING AND UNIQUE SOUNDS INHABIT APHEX TWIN’S AURAL UNIVERSE. BY DAVID J. PRINCEPHOTOGRAPH BY STEVE DOUBLE MOST PEOPLE USE MUSIC AS A SOFT PILLOW, a resting place for the mind. But current electronic dance music, from hardcoreContinue reading “Aphex Twin, Request Magazine (July 1994)”

Aphex Twin, The guardian (5th October 2001)

Tank Boy Richard James, aka Aphex Twin, is the most inventive and influential figure in contemporary electronic music. He is also the most unpredictable. Which probably explains why he is so late for the interview. With a new 30-track album called Drukqs about to hit the shops, James, hardly your typical self promoting pop star,Continue reading “Aphex Twin, The guardian (5th October 2001)”

Analogue Bubblebath 3 Insert, (Places of interest in Cornwall)

Many thanks to Heartless##6dimensions for bringing this Aphex related artefact to my attention For further edification John Doran’s excellent Visual essay Selected Ambient Walks: Aphex Twin, Mythology & Landscape is a much more exhaustive and detailed look at the subject matters touched upon in this article. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE [Tracks 4/5 located at lock-groove] forContinue reading “Analogue Bubblebath 3 Insert, (Places of interest in Cornwall)”

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