Aphex Twin, Sonic Envelope (May, 1998)

COME TO DADA (nastybyte mix) an interview with Richard D. James of Aphex Twin, by Nasty Byte originally found on sonicenvelope.com Interviews usually take place either backstage, on tour buses, or occasionally, in my house. Richard James didn’t want to talk in any conventional place – instead, he opted for the backseat of a car!Continue reading “Aphex Twin, Sonic Envelope (May, 1998)”

Contemporary Reviews: …I Care Because You Do

Melody Maker (1995) TLC 30, TLC 60, TLC 90, GO! Fancy some neon-lit, soft-focus forms floating through that space between your ears? Or maybe you need a bit of dustbin-lid percussion to shock those sleep synapses? DAVE SIMPSON wakes up, rubs his eyes and discovers both, handily on the same album THE APHEX TWINI CAREContinue reading “Contemporary Reviews: …I Care Because You Do”

Aphex Twin, The Lizard (April/May 1995)

Again many thanks to my brother for scanning this material for me, cheers Paul! Revolutionary or Idiot-Savant? RICHARD JAMES is one of the most prolific and enigmatic composers of our age. Most baffling of all is his inability to explain his own work. RAZOR channel hops through the ether in search of an answer. GhostlyContinue reading “Aphex Twin, The Lizard (April/May 1995)”

Aphex Twin/Philip Glass Collaboration (under construction)

Richard On Philip In the May 1995 issue of The Lizard Magazine, Richard is asked about his (then) recent collaboration with Philip Glass. Richard tells the interviewer in an amusing yet candid way, that the collaboration wasn’t quite what he initially envisaged.. “I heard you recently worked with Philip Glass.” “I just did a trackContinue reading “Aphex Twin/Philip Glass Collaboration (under construction)”

Aphex Twin, Mixing It, BBC 3 Radio (4th December 1995)

First broadcast: Mon 4th Dec 1995, 22:45 on BBC Radio 3 Mark Russell and Robert Sandall are joined by the prolific Techno prodigy Aphex Twin to discuss his love of distortion, the influence of Stockhausen and getting orchestrated by Philip Glass. Presenters: Mark Russell & Robert SandallProducer: Philip Tagney Now on Radio 3 it’s time for Robert Sandall and MarkContinue reading “Aphex Twin, Mixing It, BBC 3 Radio (4th December 1995)”

Aphex Twin & Philip Glass, NME (5th of August 1995)

Thanks again to my brother Paul for scanning this for me, cheers Paul! ART OF GLASS APHEX TWIN and PHILIP GLASS together at last?! Yes, it’s a knob-twiddling, avant-garde, trans-Atlantic, post-everything kind of vibe. BEN WILLMOTT dons his poshest anorak and attends the meeting of great maestros. Brownie roadie: STEVE DOUBLE “Richard!” Despite losing aboutContinue reading “Aphex Twin & Philip Glass, NME (5th of August 1995)”

Aphex Twin, Opscene Magazine (December 1996)

Interview by Erik Quintphoto © Jan Willem Steenmeijer The Aphex Twin: “My tapes are my diaries.” Strange but true. Musicians often say the nicest things when the tape recorder is turned off after 45 minutes of pure interview time. Richard D. James, aka The Aphex Twin says.. “This may have be my last interview.” HeContinue reading “Aphex Twin, Opscene Magazine (December 1996)”

Aphex Twin, Select Magazine (May 1995)

You don’t have to be mad to work here… but it helps Richard “Aphex Twin” James is branching out these days. Now he creates challenging sounds by using a Black & Decker sander on a stereo stylus. He’s done a fully-orchestrated tune with Philip Glass. And he’s getting into easy listening. Is the 21st centuryContinue reading “Aphex Twin, Select Magazine (May 1995)”

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