Disco Dance Magazine Interview (1993)

Original translated from Dutch, this is one of the best early interviews I’ve found so far, if anyone has original copy of this in magazine form, I’d love to get it scanned and archived cheers! Innovator Looking for His Limits Around the middle of last year, house music threatened to seriously flatten out. Even theContinue reading “Disco Dance Magazine Interview (1993)”

Contemporary Reviews: 26 Mixes for Cash *Updated 05/02/2022*

Wire Magazine (March 2003) Richard James might be a chancer, but at least his latest Aphex Twin collection lays bare the mercenary machinations behind remix culture. By David Stubbs Aphex Twin 26 MIXES FOR CASH, WARP WARP102 CD Remix culture is one of the more deceptive as well as insidious upshots of post-rave culture. QuiteContinue reading “Contemporary Reviews: 26 Mixes for Cash *Updated 05/02/2022*”

Contemporary Reviews: Classics

In a new article format I will be sharing various media reviews of Richard’s music. Hopefully they will be of some interest and provide a bit of historical context to each release. Melody Maker (28th January 1995) GET UP I FEEL LIKE BEING A ‘PHEX MACHINE The myth of APHEX TWIN as a teenage WilfContinue reading “Contemporary Reviews: Classics”

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