Interview (Circa 2001)

The intelligent ambient of Aphex Twin Richard D. James, a backbone for experimental electronic music by Fabrizio Giannese Richard D. James is a person with clear ideas, a very nice guy who doesn’t think twice before saying what he thinks. Perhaps this is why his music is so unpredictable, varied, absolutely marginalizing and at the sameContinue reading “ Interview (Circa 2001)”

Aphex Twin,The Face Magazine (October 2001)

The Further Adventures of the Aphex Twin Text: John O’Connell You think his records sound like cutlery being chucked down the stairs? One of them is. Then there’s the one where he sampled his friend’s diarrhoea…Welcome back, the genius that is the Aphex Twin. It used to be pink, Elephant & Castle Shopping Centre. FamouslyContinue reading “Aphex Twin,The Face Magazine (October 2001)”

Aphex Twin, Mojo Magazine (January/February 1994)

Photo by Ian Tilton “Is this the sound of old languages breaking up? Or of new ones forming?” APHEX TWINThe Mozart of Techno A LIGHT DRIZZLE IS STARTING TO FALL ON THE SMALL Stoke Newington park that is Aphex Twin’s location of choice. He comes scything across a busy road on his beaten-up mountain bike.Continue reading “Aphex Twin, Mojo Magazine (January/February 1994)”

Aphex Twin, The Lizard (April/May 1995)

Again many thanks to my brother for scanning this material for me, cheers Paul! Revolutionary or Idiot-Savant? RICHARD JAMES is one of the most prolific and enigmatic composers of our age. Most baffling of all is his inability to explain his own work. RAZOR channel hops through the ether in search of an answer. GhostlyContinue reading “Aphex Twin, The Lizard (April/May 1995)”

Aphex Twin, NME (26th March 1994)

Thanks again to my brother Paul for scanning my magazine, cheers Paul! FRAME TWIN COMES ALIVE! Viva Tate! He may not know much about art – but THE APHEX TWIN knows what he likes. ROGER MORTON, no oil painting himself, guides the techno Mozart through London’s canvas jungle, admiring the brushwork of surrealist masters alongContinue reading “Aphex Twin, NME (26th March 1994)”

Aphex Twin, Select Magazine (May 1995)

You don’t have to be mad to work here… but it helps Richard “Aphex Twin” James is branching out these days. Now he creates challenging sounds by using a Black & Decker sander on a stereo stylus. He’s done a fully-orchestrated tune with Philip Glass. And he’s getting into easy listening. Is the 21st centuryContinue reading “Aphex Twin, Select Magazine (May 1995)”

Contemporary Reviews: 26 Mixes for Cash *Updated 05/02/2022*

Wire Magazine (March 2003) Richard James might be a chancer, but at least his latest Aphex Twin collection lays bare the mercenary machinations behind remix culture. By David Stubbs Aphex Twin 26 MIXES FOR CASH, WARP WARP102 CD Remix culture is one of the more deceptive as well as insidious upshots of post-rave culture. QuiteContinue reading “Contemporary Reviews: 26 Mixes for Cash *Updated 05/02/2022*”

Aphex Twin, The guardian (5th October 2001)

Tank Boy Richard James, aka Aphex Twin, is the most inventive and influential figure in contemporary electronic music. He is also the most unpredictable. Which probably explains why he is so late for the interview. With a new 30-track album called Drukqs about to hit the shops, James, hardly your typical self promoting pop star,Continue reading “Aphex Twin, The guardian (5th October 2001)”

Aphex Twin, Generator Magazine (April 1994)

The Aphex Twin Whispering at St. Pauls Many thanks to reddit user SYROBONKERS for sending me a copy of this article. Text and original pics by Daniel Newman The first Time I met the Aphex Twin was in 1992 at Mayday, a huge rave held in an aircraft hanger in Cologne, Germany. Thousands of maskedContinue reading “Aphex Twin, Generator Magazine (April 1994)”

Aphex Twin, Melody Maker (27th November 1993)

Again many thanks to Drexciya Research Lab for sourcing this article and allowing me to reproduce it here. PLANET WEIRD Aphex Unsound Aphex Twin is unusual. He likes tanks. He hates sleeping. And he pours tea on his cereal. SIMON REYNOLDS meets the rave-age Mozart in a London park and plots a line between the beautifulContinue reading “Aphex Twin, Melody Maker (27th November 1993)”

Aphex Twin/Chris Cunningham, It’s all gone pair shaped, NME (20th March 1999)

He’s surreal. He’s warped. He’s the Aphex Twin Text: Ted Kessler Photography/Effects: Kevin Westenberg & Chris Cunningham Aphex Twin is a lush. He’s a petty crook, a villain. He loves his mum, his dad, his sisters too. Aphex Twin never sleeps. Aphex Twin’s name is Richard James, but Richard James is dead. Aphex Twin drivesContinue reading “Aphex Twin/Chris Cunningham, It’s all gone pair shaped, NME (20th March 1999)”

Mixmag (May 1995) (updated 23/04/2022)

Many thanks to monjupe (sending me high quality scans) and Plunderphucked (liaison/research) for helping me update this article to a higher standard. Cheers guys! True Lies Possibility One: He is a genius, the MDMA Mozart. Possibility Two: He is a complete bullshit artist with a big gob and a few wild ideas. Possibility Three: He’sContinue reading “Mixmag (May 1995) (updated 23/04/2022)”

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